Webmail For org.uk

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Please Note: HORDE is no longer available!
The webmail client is now Roundcube.

Webmail For co.uk

Login Here

Please note that logging into your .co.uk email will enable a change of password which also changes that for your Citrix login. If already expired, entering your current password will prompt a change and enable the Citrix login again.

Creative Support Website

Creative Support Ltd, Wellington House, 131 Wellington Road, Stockport, SK1 3TS.

Industrial and Provident Society with Charitable Status. Reg No: 27440R. Regulated by the FSA.

Email: enquiries@creativesupport.co.uk

Please note that logging into your .co.uk email will enable a change of password which also changes that for your Citrix login. If already expired, entering your current password will prompt a change and enable the Citrix login again.